Local context is the

foundation for all our work


Traditionally, consultants have delivered projects for clients. We can do that and we’ll do a good job. Even better, though, we like to deliver projects with our clients, working with you to produce solutions that you feel ownership of. This way, you get better value and the results are more sustainable.

National Spatial Development Strategy

Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

October 2012 / March 2013

Outline Brief:
To prepare a National Spatial Development Strategy to provide the framework for regional and local area plans for Trinidad and Tobago, and to guide decisions about development proposals and public interventions and investments.

Our Methodology:
Working alongside local professionals and technical experts to understand context and current position relating to relevant issues, we considered the broader policy context and a large number of technical and professional reports relating to particular topics and areas. We then facilitated workshops, prepared and evaluated strategy options and undertook integrated Sustainability Appraisal of emerging strategies, proposals and policies. Following this research, we advised on the preferred option and then developed detailed proposals, policies and interventions.

Taking into consideration all inputs from a series of stakeholder consultation events, we prepared and presented the draft National Spatial Development Strategy, including an independent peer review through the United Nations Global Compact Cities Programme.

Eureka moments:
We mobilized a diverse team of local and international professionals to apply its extensive experience to core issues. By ensuring the right balance of the team composition, we enabled the strategy to be produced in a challenging four-month timescale. All inputs were coordinated to deliver a fully integrated strategy for spatial planning, built out from an understanding of cultural values and attitudes.

What’s happened since?
Our draft National Spatial Development Strategy has been published on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago’s website and can be viewed and downloaded here. The draft NSDS is now proceeding through Parliamentary approval stages, in tandem with consideration of a new “Planning and Facilitation of Development Bill”.